From Our Webinar Session Archive...

Just One Word - September 6, 2018 - 7:30 p.m.--Recording Now Available
This session is part of our Educator Wellness Series and focuses on your well-being, both personally and professionally, as well as giving ideas for application with students. We will guide you to consider how a single word could be the foundation for focusing your energy and efforts establishing a simple, disciplined and targeted approach to reaching a goal. Session handouts are available--download them to further support your learning. Let's get started with Just One Word!
Balance Like a Pirate - Session 1 - September 19, 2018 - 6:45 p.m.
Balance Like a Pirate - Session 2 - September 26, 2018 - 6:45 p.m.
Balance Like a Pirate - Session 3 - October 10, 2018 - 6:45 p.m.
Balance Like a Pirate - Session 4 - October 17, 2018 - 6:45 p.m.
Differentiating Instruction for ALL Learners - October 23, 2018 - 6:45 p.m.
Scaffolding Instruction for ALL Learners - October 30, 2018 - 6:45 p.m.
Implicit Bias and Instruction - November 14, 2018 - 6:45 p.m.
A Sample Series From Our Library
Our Online Webinar Library offers new ideas and strategies, prompts thinking and promotes professional practice. Click the title to register.
A transcript of your learning is available upon request, issued at the end of the semester. Our system notes your participation. To earn participation recognition, complete the session notes and follow-on/reflection assignment, then submit to
Unmapped Potential, An Educators Guide to Lasting Change
Overwhelmed? Overextended? Overworked? Isolated? Exhausted? If any of these words describe how you have felt or are now feeling, you have joined in just in time! This four-session series based on the recently published Unmapped Potential, by Julie Hasson and Missy Lennard, gives concrete ideas and inspiration for moving from frustrated to fulfilled. Gain tools to help you create lasting, positive change for you, your colleagues and your students.
Session note-taking guides and follow-on assignments can be downloaded by clicking DOCX link.
"Unmapped Potential: An Educator's Guide to Lasting Change Session 1 Library Edition"
In session 1, gain understanding of your “map”—a mental visualization of where you are going and how you will get there! Learn how your perceptions and beliefs impact your map and the steps to take in order to revise your map and reach your potential.
Webinar ID: 793-352-459
"Unmapped Potential: An Educator's Guide to Lasting Change Session 2 Library Edition"
In session 2, discover factors that will help you navigating your voyage –from leaving your comfort zone to finding your potential zone, avoiding implementation dips, growing your mental flexibility and finding alternate routes to ultimately guide you to your destination.
Webinar ID: 937-012-931
"Unmapped Potential: An Educator's Guide to Lasting Change Session 3 Library Edition"
Session 3 prompts you to consider whether opportunities are choices or chances, examines how challenges can be mapped as opportunities, and invites you to think about how your map impacts others.
Webinar ID: 682-205-003
"Unmapped Potential: An Educator's Guide to Lasting Change Session 4 Library Edition"
In Session 4, our final session of this series, we guide your thinking about how to prospect for potential and capitalize on collaboration to maximize your motivation. We will conclude with challenges about being ready and able to change our maps--after all we are on a journey not seeking to arrive at a single destination but to have many successful voyages in our travel logs!
Webinar ID: 755-435-939
From our ASPIRE! Resource Collection:
"Meet the Architecture for Accomplished Teaching"
Whether this is an introduction to the Architecture for Accomplished Teaching or a chance for you to revisit, we are excited to share this foundation for instructional design. The Architecture for Accomplished Teaching is a tool that promotes cohesive planning and reflective practice. In using the Architecture, teachers find that their planning for instruction results in improved daily instruction and a more comprehensive long term plan for promoting learning.
"What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do--Meet the 5 Core Propositions"
Whether this is an introduction to the 5 Core Propositions or a chance for you to revisit, we are excited to share with you the foundational concepts for Accomplished Teaching. These 5 Core Propositions are the basis for the National Board Certification process and represent a consensus by educational professionals as to what Accomplished Teaching looks like.