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Archived Webinar Library

Teach Like a Pirate Session 1: Pirate Philosophy on Sep 13, 2016 7:00 PM EDT
Captivate your class. Create outrageously engaging learning opportunities for your students. Rediscover your passion for teaching. These are all ideas that the bestseller Teach Like a Pirate invites each of us to do. Exploring just how to do this is the focus of this webinar conversation. Dave Burgess' Pirate Philosophy will give you Ideas on how to hook your students, how to use questions to promote higher order thinking, and how to create a classroom environment which capitalizes on rapport and inspiration--for both your students and YOU!





Teach Like a Pirate Session 2: Pirate Hooks on Sep 20, 2016 7:00 PM EDT 
This session is the second voyage on our Teach Like a Pirate excursion and is part of the Current Trends in Education Webinar Series hosted by CTechEd. These hooks were developed by Dave Burgess, author of Teach Like a Pirate, and are keystone to planning inspiring and engaging instruction. Join the crew to examine the use of hooks to capture and engage students and to add to your teaching treasure!





Teach Like a Pirate Session 3: Sharpen Your Hook! on Sep 27, 2016 7:00 PM EDT 

This voyage will add to our discussion of the different Hooks described in Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess. Hooks are vital to inviting and encouraging student engagement--so let's be inspired and plan for sharp hooks!





Teach Like a Pirate Session 4: Becoming a Better Pirate on Oct 04, 2016 7:00 PM EDT

Welcome All to our final voyage of Teach Like a Pirate, by Dave Burgess. In this session we will explore how to become a better Pirate--offering insights from the author related to being the best YOU that you can be as an educator and beyond. So make your preparations to set sail--we will "see" you on deck! 





Make Just One Change Introduction Session 1 on Sep 19, 2016 6:45 PM EDT





Make Just One Change Session 2 on Sep 26, 2016 6:45 PM EDT





Make Just One Change Session 3 on Oct 03, 2016 6:45 PM EDT

This is the third and final session of the Make Just One Change webinar series.  For participants who have attended all three sessions (or listened to the recorded sessions), there is a special prize!  In this session, additional tips for applying the key ideas from the book, Make Just One Change, will be shared giving a stronger foundation for integrating student-generated questioning into classroom instruction.





Learn Like a Pirate Session 1: Student-Led Classrooms on Oct 24, 2016 6:45 PM EDT

Student-led classrooms...what do they really look like?  How do you set them in motion?  What is YOUR role if the students are leading???  Does quality instruction aligned to standards happen in this environment??

These questions and more will be answered--all while sharing information to support you in developing a powerful learning environment for your students where their learning is THE focus for everyone!





Learn Like a Pirate Session 2: Elements #1 & #2 on Nov 01, 2016 7:00 PM EDT

Welcome Pirate Crew! In this voyage we will explore creating student-led classrooms by reviewing Elements 1 and 2 from the inspirational work, Learn Like a Pirate. 





Learn Like a Pirate Session 3: Elements #3 & #4 on Nov 07, 2016 6:45 PM EST

This is the third session of our Learn Like a Pirate series and we are excited to continue to discuss the elements to creating a student-led classroom. 





Learn Like a Pirate Session 4: Elements #5 & #6 on Nov 14, 2016 6:45 PM EST

In this session of Learn Like a Pirate, we will continue to discuss elements #5 and #6 to offer ideas and inspiration to consider when developing a student-led classroom. 





Continue the Pirate Journey with this webinar series based on the next great inspiration from the Dave Burgess Consulting Group Publication -- Play Like a Pirate! by Quinn Rollins.  Serious learning can be seriously fun!  In each of the sessions, ideas will be shared to help teachers plan and deliver instruction that promotes student engagement and critical thinking while furthering student understanding of content.  Set sail to enrich your practice and use of unforgettable strategies which create student success.


Play Like A Pirate! Session 1 Toys! Toys! Toys! on Nov 28, 2016 6:45 PM EST

Play Like A Pirate! Session 2: Game On! on December 6, 2016 7:00 PM EST

Play Like A Pirate! Session 3: Graphic Novels and Comic Strips, OH MY! on Dec 12, 2016 6:45 PM EST

The Accomplished Teacher - Session 1 
On February 15, 2017 - 6:45 PM EDT - What is Accomplished Teaching?  What part does planning play in creating an instructional experience that promotes learning? What should you consider to best prepare for learning success?  Join us for the first session of The Accomplished Teacher to expand and enhance your professional practice!

The Accomplished Teacher:  Planning & Preparation 
On February 21, 2017 - 6:45 PM EDT - How does the Framework for Teaching provide a road map for creating Accomplished Teaching?  What part does planning play in creating an instructional experience that promotes learning?  What should you consider to best prepare for learning success?  Join us for the second session of The Accomplished Teacher to explore Domain 1 of the Framework for Teaching and to expand and enhance your professional practice!

The Accomplished Teacher:  Mastering Instruction 
On February 23, 2017 - 6:45 PM EDT - Instruction is the heart of what happens in a classroom and the heart beat is student engagement.  How does communication, discussion, questoning, and assessment all converge to create an experience which promotes learning?  What about "withitness" and how does this idea contribute to all students being engaged?  Join us for the third session of The Accomplished Teacher to explore Domain 1 of the Framework for Teaching and to expand and enhance your professional practice!

The Accomplished Teacher:  Maximizing the Classroom Environment 
On February 28, 2017 - 6:45 PM EDT - The classroom environment is a critical consideration to promoting learning.  How a student feels in the space, with the teacher and with other students can open doors for student engagement and growth.  Ownership of learning and personal responsibility are vital for students to create success in the world beyond our classrooms and school houses.  So what are the nuts and bolts of building an environment where learning flourishes?  To learn more, join us for the fourth session of The Accomplished Teacher.  Expand and enhance your professional practice!

The Accomplished Teacher:  The Professional Behind the Scenes 
On March 8, 2017 - 6:45 PM EDT - What are the tasks, chores, and expectations that must be completed with thoughtful proficiency in order to best promote effective teaching?  What is required to keep you at your best?  To learn more about teacher professionalism, join us for the fifth and final session of The Accomplished Teacher.  Expand and enhance your professional practice!

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